ChargE Your rESound PhonE CliP Pair with Your hEaring inStrumEnt
rESound PhonE CliP
Before you can use your ReSound Phone Clip it is necessary to:
A. Charge your phone clip
B. Pair with your hearing instrument
C. Pair with your mobile phone
D. Connect to your mobile phone
Consult your hearing healthcare professional to determine which, if any, of these
procedures may have already been completed for you.
1. Plug one
end of the
cable into
the phone
2. Plug the other end of
the charging cable into
an electric wall outlet.
3. Generally, charging
is complete when
the red LED indicator
turns green. However,
when charging for the
first time allow it to
charge for at least 3
hours, even if the
LED turns green
before 3 hours
have elapsed.
1. Turn on your phone
clip by squeezing the
multifunction button
for 1 second. A solid
blue light will display
for 4 seconds and
then go dark once
the phone clip is
turned on.
2. Open the battery door
on your hearing instru-
ments .
NOTE: Please consult the ReSound Phone Clip
User Guide for additional information.
rESound PhonE CliP
MK602951 Rev.A 2010.12
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